Producing a quality lead from the 100’s that enter into our business is critical to the success of our business. The funnel to the sales department needs to be flooded with the right lead for your company. Having more time to work on your business instead of in it, finding out the real financial investment, and what are the why’s for doing the project are all important details for closing success.

I will answer all the questions you
have and any new ones that crop up after our sessions. Better still – I will hold you
accountable making sure you aren't just LEARNING
all of these new tools…but that you’re actually IMPLEMENTING them as well!
You will come away from each 30 minute session with all the tools and
confidence necessary to start closing sales and creating new ones!
well do you do these parts of the call?……
- Do you know what the HOMEOWNER buying system is and what your first impression does to control the call?
- What is the REAL PROJECT? Learn that just because they want a new kitchen it isn’t because the just “want a new kitchen!” Where is the real Pain!
- How do you begin LISTENING and not always TALKING….why do they not care what you know and how well you are at it!
- What are my secret tips to knowing exactly what PERSONALITY we are talking to and what to do about it!
- How are your acting skills?? Can you change your hat and win the “Tony Award” for best leading actor part every time you pick up the phone!
- What is the secret to knowing the financial investment every time!!
- Getting over the fear of asking (without asking) for the investment amount!
- What is the best way to prepare your sales staff (even if that is you!) to go out on the first call? How do you prepare the homeowner?
- What is the secret to the sales staff increasing the closing rate on the first appointment?
- Are you creating a referral with each call? Are they talking about how different and excited they are about meeting your company?
Our training gives you all the tools and techniques crafted over 25 years of Construction and Lead Qualification you will need to start your company turning leads into quality sales.
for Specialized Lead Qualifying Coaching:
$ 230.00/ per block session!! $350.00
Four specific one-on-one 30 min sessions
and a full 30 days of EMAIL SUPPORT!
**Certified Lead Services will customize a program to fit you and where you are in the process of Qualifying Leads. **
"The time and money we used to spend running out on every lead that came in now is being used for the clients we had contracts with, and marketing our business. Working on the business instead of in the business is a great feeling! "
**Certified Lead Services will customize a program to fit you and where you are in the process of Qualifying Leads. **
"The time and money we used to spend running out on every lead that came in now is being used for the clients we had contracts with, and marketing our business. Working on the business instead of in the business is a great feeling! "